Thursday, September 10, 2015

Differences between ESP and EGP

Differences between ESP and EGP  

Resources :


  1.  ESP focuses on training. 
  2. ESP concentrates more on language in context than on teaching grammar and language structures. 
  3. ESP is built on an assessment of purposes or needs and the function for which English is required.
  4. In ESP is a need analysis that determine which language skills are most needed by the students and the syllabus is designed accordingly. 
  5. ESP is likely designed for adult learners, either at a tertiary level in institution or in a professional works situation.

  1.  EGP focuses on the English language in primary and secondary school education.
  2. EGP is to achieve a high standard of everyday English communication skills. 
  3. It covers the four main skills of reading, writing, listening an speaking.
  4. Course content is more difficult to select since the future English needs of the learners are hard to predict. 

1 comment:

  1. To summariza, ESP is differ from EGP, as ESP is English for Specific Purposes, meanwhile EGP is English for General Purposes. Thus, as for ESP, English is used in each particular filed using diffferent for that particular field, meanwhile for EGP, English terms used is the standard terms that basically people or we know the meaning of these basic terms.
